6 Benefits of Having a UAE Driving License

Getting a UAE driving license might not be affordable like in your country but that doesn’t negate its benefits. A UAE driving license will unlock endless career and personal opportunities for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are an expatriate or a resident, having a UAE driving license will open a hive of benefits that goes beyond the ability to drive on the road. In this article, I will explore 6 benefits of having a UAE driving license.

UAE driving license

1. Gives you the Right to own a vehicle

In the UAE you cannot own a vehicle if you don’t have a driving license. Therefore, if you desire to own a car you must obtain a driving license. A UAE driving license will give you the freedom to rent, buy or borrow your friend’s car to drive on the UAE roads.

2. UAE Driving License Makes You More Flexible

Having a UAE driving license will make you more flexible. One of my colleagues once told me that having a UAE driving license is like having birds’ wings. Meaning you can ‘fly’ wherever you want in the United Arab Emirates. With a driving license, you can discover the marvel of UAE at your pace. As you will not be constrained by public transportation or taxis in planning your road trips or visiting tourist attractions across the seven Emirates.

If you have a side hassle that involves movements of goods and services you will find a UAE driving license very helpful. It will help you run your errands efficiently without delaying your customers. Moreover, you can present your driving license as proof of identity when asked at the entrance of buildings if you don’t have your Emirates ID.

3. Enhances Your Career Opportunities

The majority of the people that I have talked to normally obtain UAE driving licenses to advance their careers. One of my friends was offered a job because she had a UAE driving license. It happened because other applicants didn’t have the license. The employer used it as a deal breaker as they had the same points in the interview. Therefore, having a UAE driving license will put you in an advantageous position like my friend above.

If you want to venture into industries like logistics, sales and marketing, and tourism which defines UAE commerce you will need a driving license. Having a driving license will increase the odds of you getting employed in one of these fields.

Last but not least, if you are in the corporate world you will need a driving license because you will be required to travel and meet clients frequently. Having a driving license will enable you to drive from one meeting to another without the hassle of boarding a bus or requesting a taxi. The convenience it brings will help you save time as time.

4. Help In Cutting Transport Expenses

Having a UAE driving license will help you cut a lot of transportation expenses. Since in the UAE, there are no official shared taxis, boarding a taxi daily for work is an expensive affair. And public buses are affordable but not convenient enough to run your errands and go to work.

To save yourself from all these hardships you will need to get a driving license from in the Emirates of choice. If you are in Abu Dhabi this article will be of great help to get you started in applying for a UAE driving license, from opening traffic file to getting the physical license.

After securing a job the first thing that normally comes to your mind is the proximity of your workplace and your home. If you don’t have a car you may prefer to stay in an area where there is easy access to public transportation. And in most cases, these areas rents’ is normally high and normally congested compared to areas with limited of these services. Having a car will give you the freedom to stay where you want hence, saving on rent and noisy neighborhoods.

5. Helps In Driving Safely and Securely

The process of obtaining a driving license in the UAE will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to make you a better driver. In the local driving school, you will learn local traffic rules and UAE driving culture(UAE drivers are very disciplined).

The lessons will improve your understanding of UAE roads hence, making you more confident behind the wheel. The confidence will help you avoid accidents that may be brought about by self-doubts. As a result, keeping the UAE roads safer and more secure to drive on.

6. Eligible To Transfer Your UAE Driving License To More Than 50 Countries

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperations, a UAE driving license can be transferred to more than 50 countries. Including the United Kingdom, United States, and European Union nations like Germany and France.

Therefore, if you are planning to seek greener pastures or travel to these first-world countries it will be better to obtain a UAE driving license. Then after arriving in those countries transfer your driving license and hit the road running! Take advantage of the time you have now and obtain UAE driving license to save time when you arrive in Europe or America.


The benefits of having a UAE driving license outweigh the cost of obtaining it. As we have seen having a UAE driving license comes with lots of benefits from making you flexible to career opportunities it guarantees. It also helps you cut costs in transportation, enables you to own a vehicle, and ensure the safety and security of other road users and yours. And lastly, have the ability to transfer your UAE driving license to first-world countries like the US.

Now that it’s clear that having a UAE driving license enhances your social status and career growth in the UAE. If you have not opened a driving traffic file you need to. I urge you to do so because it is never too late or too early to improve your worth. And having a UAE driving license is one way of increasing your worth.

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