Category: UAE Driving


6 Benefits of Having a UAE Driving License

Getting a UAE driving license might not be affordable like in your country but that doesn’t negate its benefits. A UAE driving license will unlock endless career and personal opportunities for you. It doesn’t...

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What next after 3 driving test fails in Abu Dhabi

On driving test day, some students get tensed and nervous which normally make them forget almost everything they have learned. As a result, this reaction lead students to committing simple but common mistakes that...

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How to get driving license in Abu Dhabi

The advantages of having a driving license in UAE are enormous because of the country’s wide and smooth connected road network. Applying for this license can be stressful and confusing because of the process...

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Get Abu Dhabi driving license with Dubai visa

With a valid Emirates ID and eye test certificate, you can apply for an Abu Dhabi driving license with a Dubai visa. When you pose this question to your friends most if not will...