Dating A Jobless Man Is Useless
One day while attending a community gathering in the UAE, a female speaker told women searching for jobs not to date jobless men. She told them dating those men is wasting their time and resources because they will gain nothing from dating them. Additionally, she said that if they date men who are not “broke” but do not offer any financial support they should move on to the next man.

I was surprised that her statements didn’t change the mood of the meeting. As a born-again Christian, I expected to hear some reaction but there was none. A person who was taught in church that all relationships should be based on love and nothing else. I was perplexed by not getting any adverse reaction from other members in the meeting. Morally speaking the advice didn’t sound right but rationally the advice made sense. So in which situation should we be moral and rational?
In this scenario, the speaker makes sense when she advises women searching for jobs not to date “broke” men. She told ladies indirectly not trade their sexuality for nothing. If a man cannot provide financial benefits he should not be loved. These rationals, I suppose, have normalized these kinds of talks and made it normal for women to seek short-term gains using their sexuality without being ‘judged’ by men(and women).
The Reality
But the problem is that we don’t want to accept it but instead bury our heads in the sand and pretend it’s not what it is. Our denial of these facts has caused more harm than good. Hypothetically, let’s assume one of the ladies in the meeting heed the advice and started dating a man with a stable income. A man looking for a long-term relationship that could lead to marriage.
Now here lies the problem the lady is looking for short-term benefits, and the man is looking for long-term benefits. By short-term benefits, I mean, to be sustained financially until she gets employed and becomes stable. Because she chose this man out of desperation for financial challenges and not her heart and feelings. We can conclude that she will end the relationship and look for a man that she truly loves.
Once The Problem Is Solved
If you date a woman who is desperate for anything: jobless, out of shape, dumped after getting pregnant, etc. You should expect her to leave you any moment her problems get solved. For example, if she gets employed, gets fit, conceives or her former boyfriend pops up she will leave you.
As a man, you should be aware of this reality to avoid hurting yourself and the woman that has dumped you for a better man. This is women’s nature and you cannot do anything about it. And by the way, she will not regret dumping you after all you have done for her.