How to Activate A Suspended Safaricom Line 

The Communication Authority of Kenya(CA) directed all Kenyans to update their sim card details spearheaded by telecommunication companies. The authority gave them six months to complete the project but extended the period to three months later. Failure to update the SIM card within those nine months the authority directed Safaricom to suspend any unupdated Safaricom line.

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Since the directive affected all SIM cards given by Safaricom, Airtel, etc, Kenyans working and staying in Dubai were not exempted from this rule. But if you didn’t carry your national identity card while traveling, you had a serious problem to solve. As Safaricom KYC online system wanted you to verify your details with the original document you used to register. Of which is a national ID card.

Kenyans in the United Arab Emirates cannot afford to stay without a Safaricom sim card. For a simple reason. We use M-Pesa to send money home to save and support our family.

After several outcries from Kenyans in the Diaspora, Safaricom came up with a way of updating our sims manually. The process includes;

Requirements of Activating Safaricom Line

You will be required the following documents to update your Safaricom SIM card.

  1. National ID copy(front and back side)
  2. Valid Passport pages(in full showing the dotted passport number) containing 
  • Bio details (page with your particulars)
  • Page with immigration stamp exiting Kenya.
  • Page with immigration stamp of entry country.

3. Alternative local contact number. 

Scan these documents in one PDF and send it to Safaricom customer service email address: It will take 1 to 2 days for your SIM card to get back to service.


In conclusion, the Safaricom line is part and parcel for any Kenyan living and working in Dubai because of M-PESA. We use M-Pesa to send money home to save and support our families. Therefore, when its network is disconnected it disrupts our life in Dubai. Because it becomes hard to remit money home. If your sim card was disconnected from the network, scan both sides of your Kenyan ID, Bio details of your passport, exit and entry immigration stamps on your passport and send them to Your line will be back in service after 1 to 2 days.

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