How to get driving license in Abu Dhabi

The advantages of having a driving license in UAE are enormous because of the country’s wide and smooth connected road network. Applying for this license can be stressful and confusing because of the process involved, the required documents, and the cost. Therefore, it’s necessary to have a step to step guide on how to get a driving license in Abu Dhabi. In this guide, I will walk you through on how to get a UAE driving license in Abu Dhabi.
Documents required
1. Emirates ID
2. Eye test certificate
Before you begin the process of applying for a driving license in Abu Dhabi you must have a valid Emirates ID(NOC and a visa copy are no longer needed). Therefore, having this document you can go to any optician clinic licensed by Driver’s Licensing Authority to get an eye test certificate. The eye test will cost you around AED 100.
Step one: Driving license file opening in Abu Dhabi
Having an eye test certificate and Emirates ID you can proceed to file opening online via the TAMM app or you can opt for a typing center which will charge you extra cash. In this case, if you decide to apply through a typing center you will just give the typing center representative your Emirates ID and your eye test certificate and do everything for you. But it will come with an extra cost of roughly AED 130, hence paying a total of AED 330 instead of AED 200 if you had applied online by yourself.
Note. If your visa was issued in another emirate other than Abu Dhabi you might have to wait for at least a day for your application to be approved by Driver’s Licensing Authority.
Step two: Booking Driving Theory classes in Abu Dhabi
You can book your theory classes after getting the traffic file number in Emirates Driving Company. In the school, you will select from two options for theory classes. Online and in-class classes but whichever you select, come with the same cost – AED 830. And to make the school stand out you will do everything online by yourself, no paperwork is needed if you choose online classes. But the catch is, regardless of the option selected final exam must be conducted in the school premises – building 1.
Note. In the theory exam, there will be a total of 45 questions and the minimum points required to pass is 37. But you can score all the points if you do your home well – Reading and understanding the whole book that you will be given after registering for the classes.
Bonus. To prepare for the theory exam you can explore a lot of mock questions on the internet, just search “Abu Dhabi driving license mock test questions” and you will get a tonne of them.
Step three: Booking practical training classes in Abu Dhabi
After passing the theory test, you will have to book your internal practical classes. Here, you will have two options to choose from. One class a day costs AED 2875 and two classes a day at a cost of AED 3075.
Note. In all these options, the 16th class will be more like an evaluation test by the trainer that trained you in the first class. If you satisfy him you will proceed normally to the remaining classes but if you don’t the trainer will have to add you more classes to polish your skills.
Step four: Yard parking test
Having completed all practical classes the customer care service will book a yard parking test for you. On this test, you will perform side and 90 degrees parking. And if you had selected manual transmission gear you will perform a bridge test too.
Note. In this test, you have only two chances. If you fail the second you stop there and book another test at a cost of AED 200. But don’t tense you will pass easily.
Step five: Training card permit
After receiving the congratulatory text message that you have completed your theory and internal practical classes. The half-battle is done! Now you will have to download the TAMM app – all government online services have been moved to this app, to book a road try test. You will receive a road training permit card, trial date, and location. The test will cost you AED 200 and a training permit AED 100.
Step six: Road training
It has been a long, hope you are following on well. After receiving the training permit card you can start external road training classes from a private driving school company. The Driver’s Licensing Authority requires a minimum of 6 classes/hours. But you can take as many hours of classes as you which before your test day.
Note. External class’s cost varies depending on how you will negotiate with the trainer that you will pick. But it normally ranges from AED (60 – 70) per hour/class.
Step seven: Smart test driving in Abu Dhabi
On the test day, you will have to pay at least AED 200 AED for the smart test drive if you didn’t pay at step 5. And 75 AED for uploading the road training certificate to the Abu Dhabi police website in the training school counter you selected your trainer from. After, uploading and paying you will receive a text message instructing you which bus to board. The security will direct you where to board the bus and wait for your turn to be evaluated.
Step eight: Getting your driving license
After passing the road test, you will receive a text message telling you to apply for the diving license which will cost you AED 315.
Note. if you fail the first try you will be given another road test date to try your luck. But you will have to repeat step 6 which is: going through another external road training class.
That’s it. Hope you will find this guide useful and I wish you all the best.
2 Responses
[…] If you fail on the second driving test, you will be given a last attempt to try your luck. And if fail the third time, it’s mandatory to book six training lessons in order to qualify for another driving test. These lessons can only be booked from EDC school at AED 130 per lesson. And to add salt to the injury they are not flexible like those offered by private driving schools. As you will be required to travel to the school for each lesson. Just like you did with practical classes in how to get a driving license in Abu Dhabi. […]
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