Travel from Dubai to Kenya With an Expired or Lost Passport

It is common knowledge if you want to travel from one country to another, it is mandatory to have a passport. But what happens if you lose the passport or it expires before you travel back to your home country? Or in case you give birth in Dubai and you want to travel to Kenya without applying for your baby’s passport. Well, in this article I will answer all these questions and take you through how you can travel from the UAE to Kenya with a lost or expired passport.

Kenyan Expired Passport

For Lost Passport

In case you lost your passport in the UAE and exhausted all the means to recover it. And it is not possible to apply for a new one because of time, for example, your visa is near expiry. You will need to visit any nearest police station in the UAE and get a police abstract(translated into English by a legal translator). Armed with this document you can visit the Kenyan Embassy in Abu Dhabi or the Kenyan Consulate in Dubai with the following extra required documents:

  • Passport Copy
  • Two passport-size photos with a white background
  • Air Ticket

After presenting these documents you will be given a travel pass to present at the airport immigration checkpoint.


It will cost you AED 100 for this service paid through a credit or debit card. Cash payment is not accepted.

For Expired Passport

If you have an expired passport while in the UAE and you urgently need to travel back to Kenya without renewing it. Then you will be required to visit the Kenyan Embassy in Abu Dhabi or Kenyan Consulate in Dubai with the following required documents. 

  • Original Passport/Visa/Kenyan ID Card
  • Two passport photographs with a white background 
  • Air ticket 

After presenting these documents you will be given a travel pass to present at the airport immigration checkpoint.


It will cost you AED 100 for this service paid through a credit or debit card. Cash payment is not accepted.

For a Newborn Baby

You can travel with your newborn baby from the UAE to Kenya without the baby’s passport. All you need to do is to present the following mandatory document to the Kenyan Embassy Abu Dhabi or Kenyan Consulate Dubai to get a travel pass. 

  • Both parents’ passports 
  • Both parents’ Kenyan ID Cards
  • Both parents’ Visas 
  • Marriage certificate 
  • Newborn birth certificate-Arabic/English version(must be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs UAE)
  • Two passport photographs with white background(newborn)
  • Air Ticket

After presenting these documents you will be given your baby’s travel pass to present at the airport immigration checkpoint.


It will cost you AED 100 for this service paid through a credit or debit card. Cash payment is not accepted.

As we have seen it is a straight-forward process to travel back home without a passport provided you have the required documents and a fee of AED 100. Therefore, If you have lost your passport or your passport expired while in the UAE, or maybe you want to travel to Kenya with a newborn baby without a passport. You can do that by visiting the Kenyan Embassy in Abu Dhabi or the Kenyan Consulate with the required documents to get a travel pass for your baby. For more clarification, you can contact the Kenyan Embassy or the Kenyan consulate’s Facebook page.

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