Why Kikuyu Men Have Female Surnames

It is prevalent to see Kikuyu men bearing female surnames, other communities normally wonder why it is only common among Kikuyu. Well, it is because as a community we have normalized single motherhood too much. We don’t have any problem with single-parenthood anymore. This phenomenon has brought confusion in identifying Kikuyu men with female surnames.

Kikuyu man
Photo by Thomas Chauke. on Pexels.com

Confusion With Kikuyu Men Surnames

For instance, while on campus I once requested a recommendation letter for industrial attachment from my school department. The letter came with the wrong initials. The typist thought the letter belonged to a female student because my surname was my mother’s name. Therefore, instead of referring me to a mister he referred me to a miss. It took me another week to get another letter with the correct initials.

It pisses off Kikuyu men bearing female surnames to answer and explain why they have their mother’s names as surnames to their friends and acquaintance. Consequently, as a victim of this uneasy question, I feel pity for Maureen Waititu’s followers. 

Enjoy Life, Discover Yourself

In her interview with Dr. King’ori, she advised her followers to get children at ‘their right time’. Please note: not to get married and get children, but to get children out of wedlock.

Her advice was a typical feminist life script given by all feminists. Which is to delay marriage by pursuing education, careers, traveling, and sexual experiences in the name of discovering themselves. She told her followers to enjoy their youth to the fullest and when their biological clock starts to tick, get a child. 

Since the child will be born out of wedlock the child’s birth certificate -in most cases- will bear only the maiden name and the father’s name bear xxxxx. And the cycle of Kikuyu men bearing their mother’s name as their surnames continues.

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